Archive: !ifdef with multiple arguments

!ifdef with multiple arguments

I´ve read in the helpfile that I can use !ifdef with boolean operators to check for multiple defines.

How can I check one define for TRUE and the other for FALSE?

You can use:

!ifdef define1
!ifndef define2
# code if define1 is set, but define2 is not

Ok, but when I want to use boolean OR this workaround gets too big.

I solved my problem by negating one define (the one where I could do that), but for other cases this could not be possible.

Do you think I should post a feature request?

do not ask whether to post a request, just do it :)

kichik then just decides whether he'll implement the feature or not.

maybe even i'll try to do so.

No need.


nope, afrow, !if does something different.

he wants to have:

!ifdef define1
!ifndef define2
# code if define1 is set, but define2 is not

but with just one line, like
!ifdef define1 AND NOT define2
# code if define1 is set, but define2 is not

got it? :)

you can't do that with !if

Ah I see :)


@Comm@nder21: thanks for explaining =)

I just posted a feature request:

I thought I better asked before posting this time, so I wouldn´t creat unnecessary entries as I did before =)

you're welcome :)