Archive: ESF installing problems with NSIS

ESF installing problems with NSIS
Alright, problem here.

When i Try to install Earth's Special Forces, i get to the 'choose install location, i choose my location, but then, the 'install' button is greyed out....what does this mean, why doesnt it work.

Also, above that, theres a long greyed out line, which at the right side of the screen, leads to something saying 'Nullsoft Installation System v2.03'....its also greyed out...!

What is wrong, can someone help me!

best regards
im ALWAYS p!Mp'n

My only guess is that the installation path you are picking is invalid for some reason.

You should try to contact whomever wrote the installation for further assistance.

I downloaded it, and it seems like the installer doesn't like the fact that I don't have Half-Life installed (that's my guess anyway). No matter what I do on the Directory page, it won't enable the install button.

Yeah, you should contact the ESF people and let them know. They should provide some kind of message to the user instead of leaving them stuck and not knowing why they can't proceed.

I see, but how do i contact them, im in Australia....and im guessing there not. E-mail?

Best Regards
im ALWAYS p!Mp'n

You search the web for Earth's Special Forces, find its website and then go to report a bug or ask in the forum.