Archive: How to: register EXE silently?

How to: register EXE silently?

How can i register “myApp.EXE” silently (without windows message : Register/Unregister sussessful)?

I first use ExecShell & Execwait like:
ExecShell "open" "MyApp.EXE" "/RegServer" SW_HIDE

and also call system.dll like:
StrCpy $0 "open
StrCpy $1 "MyApp.EXE"
StrCpy $2 "/RegServer”
System::Call 'shell32::ShellExecute(v,t,t,t,t,i) v(,r0,r1,r2,,0)'

But I have always this message :( .

My Uninstall section cannot delete “myApp.exe” after unregistered!

Thank you for help

I've never worked with regserver really but is this the same as using NSIS' RegDLL instruction?



Could you do the same with "regsvr32.exe /s myapp.exe" (install) and "regsvr32.exe /u /s myapp.exe" (uninstall)?


I think rawy is referring to registering a COM-based EXE--done by supplying '/Regserver' on the command line. regsvr32.exe only applies to registering DLLs.

rawy, have you checked MyApp.exe's source to see if that dialog is debug code? There shouldn't be a built-in success/failure dialog as there is with regsvr32.exe.

After unregistering, if you can't delete MyApp.exe, it is probably still in-use. You can send a close message to it or get violent and terminate its process before having your uninstaller try to delete it.

I do it like this:

ExecWait '"$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\MyApp.exe" /regserver'   ;register
ExecWait '"$PROGRAMFILES\MyApp\MyApp.exe" /unregserver' ;unregister

This is for ActiveX EXEs created in VB.