Archive: How to install directory ?

How to install directory ?
Hi ! I'm from Bulgaria and I can't install directory with tne Nullsoft Installer..
This is my script :

; The name of the installer
Name ".:Dido.Trepach.COm:. Script"

; The file to write
Icon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico"
OutFile "mIRC.exe1"

; The default installation directory

; The stuff to install
Section ""

; Set output path to the installation directory.

; Put file there
File control.ini
File aliases.ini
File mIRC.exe
File ircintro.hlp
File mirc.GID
File mirc.hlp
File mirc.ini
File popups.ini
File readme.txt
File remote.ini
File script.ini
File script1.ini
File servers.ini
File urls.ini
File versions.txt
//And here I wont to put the directory.. How to do it ?

SectionEnd ; end the section

Please HELP ! :(


SetOutPath $INSTDIR\subdir
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\subdir

Noo.. I want to install directory whit files in it.. :)
I think you understand me.. :(


SetOutPath $INSTIDR\subdir
File /r subdir\*.*

From the help files regarding the FILE command:

If the /r switch is used, matching files are recursively searched for in subdirectories. If a directory name matches, all of its contents is added recursively. Directory structure is preserved.
Therefore, use this:

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /r "C:\path_to_source_files\*.*"

The path_to_source_files should be the root level of your source file directory. You can use different wildcards as needed to limit the files that actually get included.

Looks like kichik beat me to it! LOL!



It isn't work !
I just wont to creat installation for one mIRC script..
In the directoryes I have files, and when the mIRC script is install I wont these files to be in the mIRC directory.

Sample :

Files :

File control.ini
File aliases.ini
File mIRC.exe
File ircintro.hlp
File mirc.GID
File mirc.hlp
File mirc.ini
File popups.ini
File readme.txt
File remote.ini
File script.ini
File script1.ini
File servers.ini
File urls.ini
File versions.txt

Directoryes :


And I wont to install these directoryes when the mIRC is installing..

I thing you understand me.. :(

The previous answers should have resolved your issue.

Perhaps you can attach a copy of your script to help illustrate the problem.

How must the script look ?

Pls write it here..