Archive: Install package for Windows Mobile 5.0

Install package for Windows Mobile 5.0

Can someone please shine some light toward a new user?
I'm wanting to create an installer for a .net compact framework app, but apart from the app, I also want to install SQL Mobile 5.0 before hand, how should I go about with this taks?

Any hints, pointers will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

If you know what registry keys are created when you install SQL, you could check for those keys and install if it isn't already. Make this section the first section in your installer.

Section "" ;A null string means it does not show on the components page
;initialize the pluginsdir (temp directory for installation)
;check if key exists
ReadRegKey HKLM "software\sql\exampledir" "Examplekey" $0
;skip if it does exist (SQL is installed)
IfErrors 0 skip
Detailprint "Installing SQL Mobile 5.0..."
setoutdir "$PLUGINSDIR"
;include and extract the file
File "C:\files\yourSQLinstallerfile.exe"
;install SQL
Exewait "$PLUGINSDIR\yourSQLinstallerfile.exe"

Section "Files"
;The rest of your program files here