Archive: Library.nsi issues but for exes

Library.nsi issues but for exes
I saw the samples from the Library.nsi. Those are dll/lib related. But in case I need something similar for an .exe, how can I do that?
I mean when the user runs the setup and the product is already installed and the application is running, how can I _update_ the files in use (exes, libs and dlls) without requesting the user to close the app but asking for a reboot at the end of the update?

Thank you in advance,

The library macros can be used for executables as well. You can pass it as a non-shared DLL which doesn't need to be registered.

However, if it's an executable, you can have your setup kill the process by sending WM_CLOSE to the window, or something similar.

Thx for the answer kichik.

I will try using the library macros on exes too.

Thx for the tip about sending WM_CLOSE to my app, problem is that my app for now depends on some external lib that is having a bug which makes sometimes my app to react very-very slow to a WM_CLOSE. As I anyhow have in the system a dll that is in use by all socket applications so this one needs to be updated via a reboot I would preffer not to even try to kill myapp (as this would mean wait until it reacts), but do the update/delete of the exes over reboot too.

Do you see any problems about this behaviour?