Archive: Uncompressed installer (my app files outside from the installer)

Uncompressed installer (my app files outside from the installer)
Hi all,

Can I get 2 different builds:
- one, where everything is compressed into one .exe file, including myapp files (so I could deploy just a setup.exe)
- one that is not compressed, meaning I get the setup.exe containing the installer inteligence and the other files like myapp files outside from the installer exe (so besides the setup.exe I need to deploy also myapp files: myapp.exe, myapp.txt, etc)
I asked this before and I was told to use the SetCompress, but I tried using SetCompress off, but besides the fact that my final setup.exe grew there was no difference. So, how can I generate a not compressed installer as described above? I need also this uncompressed form b/c I need to do:
- give to a system admin those files (ie setup.exe (installer inteligence), myapp.exe, myapp.txt, readme.txt, etc (my app files))
- the admin can change the files, ie the readme.txt
- then he needs to pack all files together somehow (ie zip2exe) into one exe, which when run will actually run the setup.exe, so he could deploy this one to the company users.

So, how can I generate an "uncompressed" installer for this system admin?
Also is there a way to define through the command line build which build I want: the compressed or the uncompressed one?


You can use CopyFiles to install files from outside of the installer itself. But if the reason is for the system admin to be able to change files, I suggest you simply give him the script and let him compile the installer on his own. You can include makensis.exe, the stubs and whatever other plug-ins you may need in the package you send to him.

Hi kichik,

Thanks for your answer.

So for the above described task you would recommend that I do the following:
- provide the system admin with all myapp binaries and the script file (.nsi)
- the system admin can install on his Linux machine NSIS as it's free, so no costs are involved
- he can change whatever file I provided and then uses NSIS to compile the final setup.exe, as he can on a Linux system build a Windows binary correct?
- then he can deploy to all Windows users from the company the new setup.exe

Is the above correct?

