Archive: MUI Change Background Color

MUI Change Background Color
I am able to change all the background colors to Blue except for the inner dialog it apears.

I used the following but it did not change everything
!define MUI_BGCOLOR "90BFEB"

I then modified the MUI_GUIINIT_BASIC macro to include the rest of the controls including the parent but I can't get the following pages to change 100%, the inner dialog still has default win colors.

Any help would be apreciated

Use the following, in the show function of each page, to get a handle to the inner dialog. Once you get that handle, you can set colors to the inner dialog and all of its items, just as you'd do for the outer dialog.

FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT

sorry for my confusion but I don't see where to get at the show function of the modern UI pages.

I tried the following but it only gets called on the welcome page and not for each page after that.


You have to define a function, using the MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW define, for each page separately.

Thanks I have it now. I was trying something like this


I have to put it befere each page like so