8th March 2006 16:30 UTC
File permissions
I need to install files to a subdirectory under the All Users $APPDATA directory and all users need to have read/write access to the files in that subdirectory as well as the ability to create files in that subdirectory. What I have now is something like this:
SetShellVarContext all
SetOutPath "$APPDATA\SharedStuff"
File "EveryoneReadWrite1.txt"
File "EveryoneReadWrite2.txt"
The permissions for SharedStuff and the two files it contains end up inherited from the $APPDATA folder. Some system adminstrators have set the permissions on $APPDATA to be very restrictive. I need to set the permissions for SharedStuff to not inherit from $APPDATA and allow 'Full Control'. How do I do this with NSIS?
8th March 2006 19:02 UTC
You can invoke a command line tool like SetACL using exec or execwait.
8th March 2006 20:21 UTC
Thank you.
I was hoping it was an instruction that I had overlooked (something like SetFilePremissions fullControl) that the SetOutPath and File instructions would use when creating folders and files. Oh well, this will work.
Thanks again.
17th March 2006 15:37 UTC
In my search for alternate solutions I found the AccessControl plugin.
However, I ended up creating the base directory prior to installing the files using the System plugin.
!define SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES '(&l4, i, i) i'
SetShellVarContext all
SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
System::Call "advapi32::ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA(
t 'D:(A;OICI;GA;;;AU)(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;SY)', i 1, *i .r0, i 0) i.r5"
System::Call '*${SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES}(12, r0, 0) .r1'
System::Call "kernel32::CreateDirectoryA(t '$APPDATA\CompanyName', i r1) i.r5"
System::Call "kernel32::LocalFree(i r0) i.r5"
SetPluginUnload manual
System::Free $1
SetOutPath "$APPDATA\CompanyName\Templates"
File "Template1.txt"
File "Template2.txt"