Archive: NSIS Error on everything i download

NSIS Error on everything i download
I get this error on almost everything i download. can even download windows updates. need help. If i run the download it says windows found a problem with the file. If i save and then run i usually get the nsis error.
Please help


I get this error on almost everything i download.
What error are you referring to?

If windows is finding a problem with the file, then it's likely your the download isn't completing fully. (which may not have anything to do with NSIS).

Do you have any examples of exactly what you are referring to? (Error messages, etc.) Have you tried downloading from other sites or using other PC's?

Thanks for reply,
for instance, i download nvidia driver and after i download and go to install it says "the contents cannot be unpacked. The executable you are attempting to run has been corrupted. Please obtain another file of the copy, verify its integrity and then try again." Then i tried to install xfire and it said the file was corrupted and gave me the NSIS error. I cant download bit comet, NSIS errors pops up. I know that every file i have downloaded cannot be corrupted, so it is something else.
and yes i have tried downloading from other sites, and same problem. Also my other computer downloads the files fine

I swear my problem has to do with windows and not the downloaded file. But the thing is i have just formatted my drive and installed windows. I still couldn't download files with out some kind of error.

script ?

Becuase you say that you can download the files on another PC, I think you've just proven that the problem is with that PC and not with NSIS.

And becuase you say you just reloaded Windows, then it sounds like there's a good chance it may be hardware-related (network card, RAM, etc.)

Unless you can provide an actual install script illustrating the problem (and not just the compiled EXE), there's probably not much anyone here can do to help.

Corrupted downloads
Many viruses (too many to list here) will immediately infect new executables or damage zip files, which of course corrupts them. Bad system memory can also cause this problem. Since you just installed, perhaps you had your computer online before you had a chance to apply security updates, and maybe something sneaked in?

You might try some of the free online virus scanners, since any antivirus you download to your computer will also probably get damaged/infected. But anyway, I don't think this is a NSIS issue :) You can try here, and someone will probably help you a little.

im having this same problem with a slew of other programs, everywhere i go i see the same thing, viruses, spyware, try dl'ing from other computers blah blah blah. Ive determined this is definetly a hardware problem, at least in my case. Ive already removed both my RAM chips and no fix. While its possible that its a hard drive error i seriously doubt it since this appears to be the only thing affected, although occasionaly ill look at a pic online or even one ive downloaded in the past which worked fine untill i got my brand spanking new athlon x2 64 3800 which is when this problem started (im about to pull out a different HDD and test this theory and ill post the results). My guess is that, at least in my case, there is a problem with either my mother board or my processor. Maybe this info can help, or if someone else who has the mind to think outside the box has a better solution please post it. Also please post at least the general hardware info (proccessor, mother board, ram type/size/brand, video card, hard drive (type ex. sata, ide, etc.) knowing whats inside the computer greatly helps when diagnosing a problem.

Sometimes, I've found that an incorrect BIOS setting can appear to be "faulty hardware". In other words, your hardware may be OK, but your settings for that hardware may be faulty.

Also, don't forget the ever-important power supply. PS issues can cause many odd-ball problems throughout the entire PC.

You may want to try to search other hardware-related forums to see if you can get other suggestions. After all, this is a forum dedicated to NSIS installations and not hardware. ;)

Computers with hardware problems (ram, hdd, bus, bios settings etc) would never successfully complete the windows installation as mentioned above. Possible ISP and/or firewall settings. Do you know if your ISP and/or your net admin has set up restrictions on what spreading throught the net? Did you try to download files on the same machine without the use of nsis script? (just using firefox's downloader or flashget for example).