Archive: New Line shown on license page

New Line shown on license page
I can't seem to get rid of the [] character that shows up on the license page. It started showing up after the skin was modified. I tried to make an options page but that had a limitation on the text length so I couldnt fit in all the text. Anyone know how to get around this problem or know how to fix the newline display on the license page?

Try converting the license file to unix line ending (only LF and not CRLF).

That's one of the first things I tried. It still shows. I'm not sure if its the skin that caused it. If I make a custom page it doesnt show the symbol. From searching the forum to get around the limiations of the text length you have to recompile nsis to allow a longer variable length?

There's a very easy way to check if it's the skin that does that... Simply remove it ;)

If it is the skin, check out the thread about the new wansis. If it's not, create an minimal example that reproduces this and attach it to a bug report.