Archive: Is it possible to avoid a monolithic setup.exe?

Is it possible to avoid a monolithic setup.exe?

I am about to package an application that will be distributed on CD-ROM. The idea is that the application can be run

- either directly from the CD-ROM, or
- it can be installed to the hard disk using a setup.exe.

This would mean that the setup application should not contain all the data and application files, but only know where to find them on the CD-ROM and be able to copy them to the hard disk.

From reading the documentation, I have the impression that this is not possible with NSIS. Could somebody say that I'm wrong, please :-)? Or if not, recommend another tool?

Thanks in advance.


NSIS User Manual, CopyFiles

If you're asking "can NSIS do this?" you clearly haven't seen that NSIS will do what you want :)

Takhir: thanks, I'll try that.

Rob: sure, I did read the features section where it's talking about one executable file, and unfortunately, I didn't read until section CopyFiles :-)

but great to know it can do it! thanks.