Archive: how to read registry again after retry button

how to read registry again after retry button

can i read a registry again after user push retry button. and how to do that ?


andy susanto

Can you provide some more details please?

read registry again after click retry button
Section "MySQL"
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0" Location
IfErrors 0 +2
ExecWait ${Installer_MySQL} ; run if never mySQL

DetailPrint "Database : exist"


Section "Container"
ReadRegStr $2 HKLM "Software\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\5.5" InstallPath
IfErrors 0 +2
ExecWait ${Installer_Tomcat} ; run if never have a Tomcat

DetailPrint "Container : exist"

Section "Create Database"
SetDetailsPrint none
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0" Location
SetOutPath "$0\bin"
FILE "${Source}${Project}\db.bat"
FILE "${Source}${Project}\DB_ver0.1.txt"

Exec '"$0bin\DB.bat"'

Sleep 1000
DELETE "$0bin\db.bat"
DELETE "$0bin\DB_ver0.1.txt"
SetDetailsPrint listonly


that my partial code. when Section "Create Database" running . show 3 button Abort Retry Cancel(because mysql engine does not exist). After installion mysql finish and user click Retry button, the execution Section "Create Database" always fail. Because $0 empty.

But if i install mysql engine first. the Section "Create Database" running well because $0 not empty and the value given from ReadRegStr function

and i wonder why ExecWait ${Installer_MySQL} does not stop, but still countinue to next step.

i hope my information clear.

ps : i am sorry for my english



Some installers extract another installer, run it and immediately exit. ExecWait is waiting for the first installer, which exists pretty quickly, but the real installer is still running. You can use Unattended resources to find out how to make it wait for the other installer. For example, InstallShield waits, if you pass /SMS on the command line.


i already download unattended script, but i do not know how to full fill my purpose.

and i try to search a document but did not get it.

and i try to ask to their forum but still does not have an answer

can you help me ?

ps : i am sorry for my poor english


andy susanto

Maybe this will help:,...6623#msg-26623

Maybe MySQL's documentation has more information about this.