Archive: VerifyDir on Custompage

VerifyDir on Custompage
Hi there,
I have 2 dirrequest on a custom page and want to check the path which ist typed in by the user is correct. if the user type as example C:\ that is ok but if he is typing abc or something else then should come a message. the next button should not change the page. can u help me pls?


View the example script mentioned here:

It shows how to see which field the user interacted with and how to trigger a specific routine based on that.

that is not what i need but thx for your help.

my custom page has 2 Dir Request fields which are default filled in the $INSTDIR. but when the user changes this path i would like to proof if the path is a good path on this computer

Using the PATH_MUST_EXIST flag for the fields and calling your path validation when the next button is clicked is not what you need?

Would Spacedater have to make his own path validation or is their a function that does this?

You'll need to verify the path yourself in the the page's leave function. If path is not valid, call 'abort' to return to the page.