Archive: Changing the "Browse..." button text & size in MUi

Changing the "Browse..." button text & size in MUi
Hi guys

Quick question - I know I can change the "Browse..." text in the Directory selection page using DirText in English.nsi (I want it to be "..." to match the directory/file request buttons), but it keeps the button size the same as before, i.e. large enough to accomodate the word "Browse...".

Is there any way of changing this?



[edit > JonnyMac] Moved from Winamp Tech Support to NSIS Discussion [/edit]

You can edit the UI (Contrib\UIs\modern.exe) using Resource Hacker. You can tell the MUI to use your UI using the MUI_UI define. If you're not using the MUI, you can edit Contrib\UIs\default.exe and use ChangeUI to use your new UI.