17th March 2006 18:44 UTC
Passing in quotes as an argument to a macro
I've got a function which takes in a string as an argument. I want to pass in the string '"' -- that is, single quotes.
Problem is NSIS gives me:
Error: unterminated string parsing line at macro:IndexOf:2
Error in macro IndexOf on macroline 2
and my macro is defined as:
!macro IndexOf String SubString StartingIndex Result
Push "${String}"
Push "${SubString}"
Push "${StartingIndex}"
Call IndexOf
Pop "${Result}"
!define IndexOf "!insertmacro IndexOf"
So obviously Push "${SubString}" is failing but I have no idea how to fix it. Passing in non-quote characters works fine. I also tried "$\"" as an argument and it fails too.
17th March 2006 18:47 UTC
Using backticks for Push worked, but it feels like a hack. What happens if the input string actually contains backtick characters? :)
17th March 2006 18:51 UTC
Does this work for you?
Name "quotetest"
Outfile "quotetest.exe"
!macro test param1
MessageBox MB_OK "${param1}"
Section ""
StrCpy $0 '"'
!insertmacro test "$0"
17th March 2006 18:55 UTC
Yes, that testcase works. Not sure why Push would fail then...
Afrow UK
18th March 2006 10:07 UTC
Push '${String}'
Push '${SubString}'
Push '${StartingIndex}'
Call IndexOf
Pop '${Result}'
18th March 2006 17:24 UTC
or even use `` :)
as ' and " are quite common. but nsis supports ` as third quotation mark.
19th March 2006 00:35 UTC
My point though is that there should be a way to generally quote a variable without having to know what quotes are used inside. Why can't NSIS know that "$someVar" means that it should get quoted regardless of the type of quotes inside?