Archive: Zip, then install Help

Zip, then install Help
IM VERY VERY NEW TOO NSIS! So please excuse my question. Im trying too create a exe that will unzip a certain file. Upon unziping it to say c:\righthere\file.exe. I would like too also be able too send it info like c:\righthere\file.exe /S and show progress...Is there an example or something somewhere someone can point me too?


ZipDLL and NxS or Banner (see NSIS Help) might be what you're looking for.

This NSIS is so confusing...Im such a noob! But i love it, and i will eventually figure it out...I would just like too know all you guys sources of help...Becuase the links you pointed me too all seem like Japanese too me "No pun intended my Japanese friends." =\

I would just like too know all you guys sources of help...Becuase the links you pointed me too all seem like Japanese...

Don't worry Japanese will become english day after day. Just point your self in NSIS documentation and NSIS Examples (they are bundled with the installation). Browse The main NSIS site to find script editors and other usefull stuff, the site also has many examples as well as this forum. Coming to the forum be sure you'll grab the answer to every possible question you might have.
Im such a noob! But i love it, and i will eventually figure it out...

Just go ahead and smash the nutshell!