Archive: "Open File - Security Warning" Box

"Open File - Security Warning" Box
Hello all.

When I create an installer with Nullsoft, and download it from my website, I get this box when I double click it.

Does anyone know how I can become a known publisher, to either avoid this box or have my company name in the Publisher line instead of "Unknown Publisher"? Thanks all for your help.


Read the bit at the bottom of that window :p


You have to buy a certificate and sign your installer to become a known and trusted publisher. You can also get a free certificate, self-generated or from a website, to be just a known publisher. MSDN has more information on signing code.

Will do, thanks guys!


Yes okay.

Looked at the MSDN information too.

So, If I get an X.509 certificate and put it away...

How do my clients get that in their selfInstaller.exe ?

Will the window which casts doubt over my product's trustworthiness just be replaced by yet another window to interrupt the users rich internet application experience ?

How can we streamline this?

Can't that be placed inside the installer?