Archive: About Current User Permission

About Current User Permission
My setu package must write keys into the reg .

and i found that , when the current user of the os is not the administrator , i can't register my dll just via the regsvr32.exe ,

so i am asking that ,does there got a way to check is the current have the permission as administrator

Using forum search (link above) you can find few related threads and usefull links
Also plug-ins archive and functions
And this is sample of .onInit function

!define REG_UNINST "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APP_NAME}"
Function .onInit

; Hand made admin permissions checkout
WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINST}" "TestString" "Some text"
IfErrors 0 cleanValue
MessageBox MB_OK "$(adminMsg)"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "${REG_UNINST}" "TestString"
DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "${REG_UNINST}"



Just a note: Hand made admin permissions check using WriteRegStr is no good idea. Besides the obvious problem caused by admin changed permissions I noticed some problems with Windows NT 4.0 especially when using the Uninstall key (as standard user there are "some" permissions but not all, maybe dependent on installed service pack).

If you want to do a hand made (light weight) check using the registry I suggest using HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes (e.g. with a self-generated GUID).