extract program version from .h file
I'd like to further automate the release process for my Open Source app. Currently the applications version # is defined in three places:
-a .h file
-the .nsi NSIS script
-a Mac OS X plist file
I can automatically generate a proper Mac OS X Disk image using a bash script which extracts the version from the .h file like so:
VERSION=`cat ../src/${appName}/${appname}.h | awk "/${APPNAME}_VERSION/ {print \\$3}" | sed s/\"//g`
where appName=Reveal and appname and APPNAME are generated like so:
APPNAME=`echo ${appName} | awk '{print toupper($0)}'`
appname=`echo ${appName} | awk '{print tolower($0)}'`
A copy of the .h can be seen here:
Currently my NSIS .nsi script defines the version like so:
!define APPNAME "Reveal"
!define APPNAME_LOWER "reveal"
!define APPVERSION "1.0"
Is it possible to automatically determine the application version using the .h file like I do under Bash on OSX using NSIS? It would be really nice to get my installer script working great so I don't have to modify it every time I release a new version!
I looked at the FileOpen and FileRead commands but don't these need to be run within a Function that is inherantly run at installtime? What I'm needing is somethign that is exectued at script compile time so I can appropriately name the generated installer and also properly display the version when running the installer as well. Since the installer is not installing a copy of the source figuring out how to do this at compile time is essential...