Archive: need help with a .exe

need help with a .exe
hi all.. i already read the help stuff and all the examples but i really dont know how to do the things i want, i appologize for asking this, but i really dont know how to do it, im not such experienced and im spanish (sorry about my english)

i saw the example "bigtest.nsi" and i want something like that, without those messages for testing and the notepad..

the story is that i have some files that i run in a game server, but most of the people asked for a .exe, so they d/l the file from a web isntead of the server cuz it takes too long..

if someone could help me with this i'll apreciate it a lot.

- i need the red background cuz its cool
- the license agreement screen cuz all players are spanish, so i need to explain some things there.
- the installation folder screen and when is installing i want to see the files that are being installed..

i need to compress like 40 files there..
i dont need uninstall, cuz if i put a new file i'll remake the. exe with the new file, so it will overwrite the old files

i hope someone could post a .nsi with the basic things i need so i could use it like a guide and complete it with the rest like names, files and all that stuff..

thanx a lot

- i need the red background cuz its cool
- the license agreement screen cuz all players are spanish, so i need to explain some things there.
Page license
- the installation folder screen and when is installing i want to see the files that are being installed..
Page directory
i need to compress like 40 files there..
See File instruction.
i dont need uninstall, cuz if i put a new file i'll remake the. exe with the new file, so it will overwrite the old files
Don't use WriteUninstaller
i already read the help stuff
Well..all the stuff *is* in the help stuff ;)

ok, im trying to do it and so far im fine, but i need the default language of the installer to be spanish, how can i do that??, im trying to do it with the help tutorials but i always get errors at the end

Simply have Spanish the first language you include in your script. If it's a MUI script, have Spanish the first MUI_LANGUAGE macro you insert. If not, have Spanish the first LoadLanguageFile you use.

:cry: :cry: i cant make it work, this is what i have so far, its a modification of bigtest.nsi
im just guessing cuz i really dont know what to do

!ifdef HAVE_UPX
!packhdr tmp.dat "upx\upx -9 tmp.dat"
!ifdef SPANISH

SetCompressor /SOLID lzma


Name "< TU MUERTE >"
Caption "< TU MUERTE > Conter Strike 1.6 server"
Icon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\nsis1-install.ico"
OutFile "archivos cs.exe"

SetDateSave on
SetDatablockOptimize on
CRCCheck on
SilentInstall normal
BGFont facelift 30
BGGradient 000000 800000 FFFFFF
BrandingText "< TU MUERTE > Conter Strike 1.6 server"
InstallColors FF8080 000030
XPStyle on

InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\valve"
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\valve" ""

LicenseText " !!! <> LEER - EXPLICA COMO INSTALAR <> !!!"
LicenseData "server1.nsi"
LoadLanguageFile "Spanish.nlf"


Page license
Page directory
Page instfiles


AutoCloseWindow false
ShowInstDetails show


Section "" ; empty string makes it hidden, so would starting with -

; write reg info
StrCpy $1 "Archivos necesarios para < TU MUERTE > CS 1.6 server"

File /r "C:\Documents and Settings\Panchito\Desktop\mp3s\countyer strike\cstrike"


What errors do you have? Give more information
Is Spanish.nlf in the same dir as your .nsi file is?
Vamos! :)

Originally posted by Joel
Is Spanish.nlf in the same dir as your .nsi file is?
thanx for that, i read ur post and in the moment i knew what i did wrong..
Originally posted by spunko
LoadLanguageFile "Spanish.nlf"
this is the correct form
LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\Spanish.nlf"
two more questions..
1) is this the best method to compress?? "SetCompressor /SOLID lzma"
i want to make it the less heavy possible, now is like 22 Mb, maybe i can compress it more

2) if i want to put an image in the installation screen, the custom image has to be inside the .exe too?? (like all the files), or i just need to put the path into the .nsi??


LZMA with solid compression is the best possible.

You need to store it and extract it say to $PLUGINSDIR like any other file.
