Archive: online installer

online installer
i'm making an online installer, with "distfiles" (each section has a zipped package that is downloaded and extracted).

is it possible to let the installer check these distfiles' sizes and display them in the installer (e.g. space required: 65mb)?

You'll need to have a text file on the server containing this information. It could be an INI file for example, which you download silently with InetLoad and then read with ReadINIStr.


This thread makes me think for a possible use of ButtonEvent plugin. Place an xml file on the download location holding all prefered info, download it and retrieve with one of xml plugins ( 3 in wiki) and have a button to display that info.
Should be cool, don't you think?

This is probably about AddSize runtime.. I am not sure this is possible :(

Sure it is. Use SectionGetSize and SectionSetSize.