Archive: Hide all details about the installation - show only the progress bar !!!

Hide all details about the installation - show only the progress bar !!!

I want to hide all the details (meaning which files are copied where etc.) during the installation.

One can not only activate "hide details" but show no details at all - however, there is still under the progressbar shown what files are copied where.

Can I hide everything BUT the progress bar (to keep the user entertained) ???


The SetDetailsPrint None instruction will suppress both output to the header text and the Details log.

The progress bar should still update.

If not, try the RealProgress plugin or one of the Banner/Marqui plugins to produce an 'entertaining' progress bar.

I think what you might be after is:
ShowInstDetails nevershow

This will permanently hide the list control.


Instead of showing the Installation Details, is there a way to make the Installation Details to go the a log file?

I found it:

LogSet on|off

Sets whether install logging to $INSTDIR\install.log will happen. Note that NSIS_CONFIG_LOG must be set in the installer configuration (it is not by default) to support this.

Download the special build if you do not wish to recompile.


Thanks Stu.