Archive: Problem with pluggins

Problem with pluggins
Hello Everybody.

I have a problem with my installer I try to use two pluggins but they use the same variable $1 How can I change this variable?

I need to use this pluggins for my installer


In what way are they using $1? Do they use it internally, or by how you are using them?
Some sample code would help us identify the problem and produce a solution.


Hello I send you the code of my installer

Sorry a forget the file. But I send you.

The file contains my intaller and the pluggins that I used

I still don't understand what the problem is. You aren't even using $1 in any of your own code and the BgImage plugin doesn't use it.

If you want to use $1 in your script and find that something is changing its value, just use a different variable or perhaps create your own with the Var instruction.


Thanks a lot I sorted out the problem with my installer. but I have another problem, when I try to create a Shortcut with this instruction

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\SIG-TC ZMVM.lnk" "$BLA" ""

The variable $BLA contains the value

"C:\Archivos de programa\TransCAD\tcw.exe" -q -a C:\SIG-TC\compilacion\gis-tc -ai SIG-TC -n "SIG-Transporte de carga ZMVM"

But when the installer creates the shortcut on the DESKTOP, it has this value:

"C:\"C:\Archivos de programa\TransCAD\tcw.exe" -q -a C:\SIG-TC\compilacion\gis-tc -ai SIG-TC -n "SIG-Transporte de carga ZMVM" "

How I can clear value "C:\ at the begining of the string and " in the last part?

Try using ' around the value.

'"C:\Archivos de programa\TransCAD\tcw.exe" -q -a C:\SIG-TC\compilacion\gis-tc -ai SIG-TC -n "SIG-Transporte de carga ZMVM"'

CreateShortCut requires the parameters to be separate from the target path:

link.lnk target.file [parameters [icon.file [icon_index_number [start_options [keyboard_shortcut [description]]]]]]

Where does your target path come from exactly?
Is it a constant value set at compile time or a path read from somewhere at run time?



I send you a basic example, it only creates a Shortcut on the desktop.

In the code I read from the registry, this value is the target path that I want in the shortcut, but I don't know why in the shorcut the value appears like this:

"C:\"C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE" \n \dde"

And the correct path is:

"C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE" \n \dde

Thanks a lot for help me

Well like I've already said, CreateShortCut must be like the following:

CreateShortCut "icon file.lnk" "target file.exe" "parameters"

Use this function to get the path in the quotes:
If you need the parameters as well, I can probably update the function to return the rest of the string not in quotes (in this case it'd be the parameters).

ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\WINWORD.EXE\shell\edit\command ""

Push $R0
Call GetInQuotes
Pop $R0

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\TEST.lnk" $R0


Hello Again Thaks a lot for help me.

I did all that you said me. but the target path now is:

"C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE"

and the correct is

"C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE" \n \dde

How can I obtain the rest of the string not in quotes?

I send you again my code


Code of TEST

Assuming that the path part of the string you read from registry is always in quotes...

!include "StrFunc.nsh"

Name "Test"
OutFile "Test.exe"

Section ""

ReadRegStr $0 HKLM SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\WINWORD.EXE\shell\edit\command ""
${StrStrAdv} $R0 $0 "$\" " > < 1 0 0 #get path
${StrStrAdv} $R1 $0 "$\" " > > 0 0 0 #get the rest
StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 #trim ending space character from path
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\TEST.lnk" $R0 $R1


Thanks for help me. My installer is OK