Archive: Gone for a while

Gone for a while
For the following half a year or so I will have even less free time than I currently have. I will probably only get a day or two every couple of weeks and I will probably use it to sleep. I will not have too much time to check the forums or the trackers. I hope to still get a couple of bugs fixed or feature requests implemented every now and then and to release a monthly version. Patches will be great help, especially now.

I wanted to release 2.16 a couple of days ago, but there were CVS problems. I hope to get it released this weekend, but I don't know if I'll have the time. For now, I'd appreciate it, if you could test the nightly build and the code, if you're not using Windows.

Afrow UK is taking my place as the forum moderator. Deguix will be maintaining the Wiki, as he has been doing since it was created. Good luck to you both! I'm sure you'll do great.

Please don't let bug reports fade away in the forum and submit them to the bug tracker after confirming them. Same goes for feature requests and patches. Don't forget to login or leave an e-mail address so you can be reached.

Keep making NSIS what is by being a great community,

Good luck, Kichik...have nice "free days" :)

Thank you for staying for so many years and making NSIS what it is today. If it weren't for NSIS I wouldn't have any C/C++ skills at all, along with other helpful skills :]


:cry: :cry: Nooooo! Not the source of all things nsis related leaving!

Ahh well, try not to forget about us, and have a great time away (I'm not saying you had a bad time here :)).

I'll also be making Afrow UK as Wiki moderator because I'll be traveling to Brazil next week and staying in there for 3 weeks. Afrow UK is so lucky ;)...

And don't forget the IRC channel...
People might be there :rolleyes:

If anyone, you deserve a break. But it doesn't really sound like that you are going to get that break. So, good luck in whatever you are going to do. :)

kichik, just wanted to thank you for all your help in the recent months. Good luck in your endeavors, hope to see you around soon.


you do what's best for you. nsis has a great community and i'm sure development will not stagnate.

Thank you all :)

Seems like I'll be home every weekend for the next month. I still don't know completely what will come next. But it'll certainly not be a vacation ;)

IRC has Andres, deguix and Dave as ops. But sadly, the channel is pretty much empty most of the time.

we'll keep things running :)

dave does still not know winapi, anders sux because he hates smiling ppl and deguix, well, is a nice guy too ;)

there're often ppl needing help in the channel but they mostly leave immediatly after they got what they wanted.

recently a guy even asked me where to donate for my help, i told him, nsis has such an option :D

Time's up. I'm back. It's over. Finally! :D

Yay! Time to drag the NSIS chain and ball again? :)

Buhahaha! And now the ball is two times bigger. This lazy ass community did nothing, but "bigger ball" for you while you where gone. Buhahaha!