how to differentiate b/w win2003 and win2003R2
how do i differentiate b/w win2003 and win2003R2...possibly using any of the msdn structures like osversioninfo or osversioninfoex....
Thanks in advance
Archive: how to differentiate b/w win2003 and win2003R2
how to differentiate b/w win2003 and win2003R2
how do i differentiate b/w win2003 and win2003R2...possibly using any of the msdn structures like osversioninfo or osversioninfoex....
Thanks in advance
Well...nsis has GetDllVersion, plus some cool version macros on wiki, only left is which verson number is each OSs
Try GetVersion plugin:
Originally posted by Afrow UKthanks !!! i was looking for an updated plugin for windows versions. good job.
Try GetVersion plugin: