7th April 2006 01:01 UTC
filewrite writing half a var?
i get this output in install.log
x C:\fQuake-teaser x libjpeg.dll x (new line)
rge.net\docs\pics\particle_muzzleflash.jpg x (new line)
x C:\fQuake-teaser x ezquake\manual\ezquake.sourceforge.net\docs\pics\nailtrail_plasma.jpg x (new line)
when i use this code:
nsisunz::UnzipToStack "${DISTFILES_PATH}\$R0" "$INSTDIR"
Pop $0
${If} $0 == "Error opening ZIP file"
DetailPrint "Extraction Error: $0"
FileOpen $R0 $INSTDIR\${INSTLOG} a
${DoUntil} $0 == ""
${Unless} $0 == "success"
FileWrite $R0 " x $INSTDIR x $0 x"
FileWriteByte $R0 "13"
FileWriteByte $R0 "10"
DetailPrint "Extract: $INSTDIR\$0"
Pop $0
${LoopUntil} $0 == ""
FileClose $R0
how can it not extract "x $INSTDIR x " and then only half of the $0 variable?!
i just can't figure this one out
7th April 2006 01:22 UTC
i found what's wrong, but i don't understand why
the file is exactly 110 053 bytes in size, and will NOT go past that, obviously.
Afrow UK
7th April 2006 09:10 UTC
Does nsisunz push details onto the stack as one single string or many?
7th April 2006 11:58 UTC
i have 2 sections of this code i wrote up there.
alone, they can write everything to the log. but together, they go past 110 053 bytes, and starts overwriting stuff in the text file instead of adding.
so if the text file looked like this:
and i add "zip" to the text file, it would look like this:
Afrow UK
7th April 2006 12:23 UTC
Rather than re-open the log file twice, have a hidden Section before the first section to open the log and another after your sections to close it.
7th April 2006 12:44 UTC
wow! that worked! thanks a lot!
Afrow UK
7th April 2006 17:27 UTC
FileOpen with append does not append data to the end of the file. You must move the open pointer to the end of the file first with FileSeek $Var 0 end.
Now you're opening the log file only once, so make sure you use 'w' not 'a' now.