Archive: Startup problem

Startup problem
Probably somebody can help me.
I try to start the application at start of the Windows through registry-key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
By the start, I get error that some dll not found. The dll is in the application's folder.
The application starts from Startup-folder without problems.
I tried to register a application's path to environment variable PATH, but it doesn't help. Does help only installation of dll to GAC?
I'm sorry for my bad English.

What kind of a message box is it exactly? Is the application generating it, or is the loader? If you put the DLL in the applications directory and in the PATH, it's probably the application's fault as that should be enough for the loader. If it's not your application, write another application that only sets the working directory to the application's directory and executes the application and point the Run entry to this wrapper application.

GAC is, as far as I know, only for .NET applications. It doesn't sound related to me.