Archive: InstallLib

I've been having a problem with InstallLib where it will register a dll, but not extract it. Is there a setting similar to setOverwrite for InstallLib? For one of my installers that uses InstallLib, it works fine in QA but when run on Staging or Prod, doesn't extract. Any help? Here's an example of the code:

CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\myApp
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll" 0 +2

!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $ALREADY_INSTALLED NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED D:\myAppBuildDir\dll\myApp\myDll.dll $INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll %TEMP%


did you try to delete the dll at runtime and check if you can?

IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll" 0 _new_installation
unregdll "$INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll"
iferrors 0 +4
detailprint 'something went wrong with unregdll'
detailprint 'try to unreg manualy e.g. regsvr32 /U and check if this works'
delete "$INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll"
iferrors 0 _new_installation
detailprint 'something wrong with delete try to replace on reboot'
# replace on reboot and check if this works
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $ALREADY_INSTALLED
REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED D:\myAppBuildDir\dll\myApp\myDll.dll $INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll
!insertmacro InstallLib REGDLL $ALREADY_INSTALLED
NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED D:\myAppBuildDir\dll\myApp\myDll.dll $INSTDIR\myApp\myDll.dll

Nope, but can try this. Do others of you do this? I thought that sort of gig was all handled by InstallLib...

I ran into the same issue, stonkers. I ended up having to insert an UnInstallLib before my InstallLib.

Cool thanks!

What do you mean by registered but not extracted? Is it registering the old version? Try running it with a log and see if install.log shows anything of interest.

There's a problem with the InstallLib call. The last parameter should be $TEMP, not %TEMP%. It may be related.