Archive: Default Installer Directory

Default Installer Directory
I have 2 products that I have built installers for. If I install Product A all goes well. When I got to install product B the default install directory is changed to be the directory where I installed product A. And the reverse happens if I install B first and then A.

I am at a loss as to what is going on. Has anyone else seen this problem?


To add to my post, is there some key in the .nsi file that the installer uses to remember, on the installed machine, the previous installed root directory?

One of our guesses is that some "key" value is the same in both script files so that NSIS thinks that Product B is just an upgrade to product A.

Does that ring a bell for anyone?

I'll answer my own question. The variable PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY was the source of my problem. My ant task was creating the same value for this variable for both Product A and Product B. So of course NSIS thought they were just upgrades to each other.