Archive: Invalid Command: ${StrLoc}

Invalid Command: ${StrLoc}
I am trying to manage a condition in my install. I want to check a string for occurencies of a certain substring, for example "XD1".
But when i call the StrLoc function the system either returns "Invalid Command ${StrLoc}" or says it is having problems resolving install function StrLoc. Then it gives me the tip that uninstall functions must begin with "un." and install functions must not.

I have included LogicLib.nsh and I am running version 2.07.

Please help me, I am stuck!

!include "StrFunc.nsh"

StrFunc.nsh has to be inside Include directory, so you don't have to
specify a path.

You have to put this command before any command used in this header file.
Find it at: NSIS\Docs\StrFunc\StrFunc.txt :-)

Hmm, strange that the page about StrLoc tells me that i need the LogicLic header file but not the StrFunc...

Ok, I got one step further, but now I am stopped by this:
!insertmacro: FUNCTION_STRING_StrLoc
!insertmacro: macro "FUNCTION_STRING_StrLoc" requires 0 parameter(s), passed 4!

I make the call of the function like this:
${StrLoc} $0 $%MITRION_LICENSE% "xd1" ">"
and according to the nsis homepage it should work, but it doesn't.

in case you use ${if} ${else} ${unless} etc statements you need LogicLib as well :-)

I know, I use both now, but why does the StrLoc-function say that it needs zero arguments instead of four?

in deed it says this. maybe a bug?

Perhaps, it seems very strange to me so I have decided to solve the problem by using our perl-script and send a parameter to the nsis-script instead...

If anyone comes up with an idea, please post it.

nope! we both did not read the doc deeply!
now it works!

!include "StrFunc.nsh"

section -

${StrLoc} $0 "This is just an example" "just" "<"
detailprint '$0'


Did you put ${StrLoc} (with no parameters) after !include StrFunc.nsh? I don't think you did, because that causes the problem that you described.
It shows this in the readme and in the example script.


Is it supposed to be directly after? Because I make all my includes in the beginning of the file...

it is supposed to be this:

3.1 How To Use Commands In Install Sections and Functions

Every command used in install sections and functions have to be called
first before and out of any sections and functions, and without



3.2 How To Use Commands In Uninstall Sections and Functions

Commands with Uninstall Sections and Functions support have "Un" before
the words inside curly brackets "{}".



A complete example with both Install and Uninstall Commands:

!include "StrFunc.nsh"

${StrStr} # Supportable for Install Sections and Functions

${UnStrStr} # Supportable for Uninstall Sections and Functions


${StrStr} $0 "OK! Now what?" "wh"


Section Uninstall

${UnStrStr} $0 "OK! Now what?" "wh"


NOW I get it!
I guess I haven't got enough patience to find that in a readme.
Thanks a lot guys!