16th April 2006 17:25 UTC
Add Icons to a custom Page
I have created a custom page (for InstallOptionsEx) that contains among other things two fields for images/icons. I have also added two different icons in my file using a small script that injects the second icon to the header then compresses it with upx (using the --compress-icons=0 flag)
In other words in my NSIS file I have
!define MUI_UI "src\custom_header.exe"
!define MUI_ICON "icons\FirstIcon.ico"
!packhdr "$%TEMP%\exehead.dat" 'header.cmd'
and header.cmd is
"%ProgramFiles%\Resource Hacker\ResHacker.exe" -add "%TEMP%\exehead.dat", "%TEMP%\exehead.dat", "%~dps0icons\SecondIcon.ico" , ICONGROUP,104,
upx --best --compress-icons=0 "%TEMP%\exehead.dat"
Once I initiallize the page both images show FirstIcon.ico.
If I change my .ini file that generates the page, so that it points to the exe containing the icons then I get two different icons on the page, but SecondIcon.ico is displayed as if it was 32x32 extraploated to 128x128.
Is there a way to change any of the images on the page before displaying it? I am not sure how to use, say, {STM_SETICON} or something similar.Something like this:
InstallOptionsEx::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\${IniFileName}"
Pop $R1
GetDlgItem $0 $R1 1202
SendMessage $0 ${STM_SETICON} ?? ??
I played around with the ?? using the icon index in my file etc but couldn't get it to work ...
I found a thread that suggested (for a different issue though) to use a system call to LoadIcon, but then I am not sure how to pass the information to the SendMessage command ...
Any ideas?
Afrow UK
16th April 2006 18:29 UTC
Not tested, but should work.
!define IMAGE_ICON 1
!define LR_LOADFROMFILE 0x10
Pop $R1
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(, t "$PLUGINSDIR\SecondIcon.ico", i ${IMAGE_ICON}, , , i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.R0`
GetDlgItem $R2 $R1 1202
SendMessage $R2 ${STM_SETICON} $R0 0
16th April 2006 18:44 UTC
Thanks for the info Afrow UK :)
I had seen in this thread a similar example but I was trying to get the ico from within my installer, without extracting it. Since it already is allocated as a resource, isn't there a way to tell the window to use that specific resource instead of another one?
16th April 2006 19:22 UTC
I think what I am looking for is something like this:
InstallOptionsEx::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\${IniFileName}"
Pop $R1
GetDlgItem $0 $R1 1202
System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileNameA(i 0, t .R0, i 1024) i r1'
System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleHandleA(t R0)i .r2'
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i r2, t "1", i ${IMAGE_ICON}, , , ) i.R0`
SendMessage $0 ${STM_SETICON} $R0 0
which does not work since according to
this MSDN page
If the image resource is to be loaded by ordinal, use the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro to convert the image ordinal into a form that can be passed to the LoadImage function.
16th April 2006 20:17 UTC
Got it :)
!define LR_SHARED 0x8000
define IMAGE_ICON 1
InstallOptionsEx::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\${IniFileName}"
Pop $R1
GetDlgItem $0 $R1 1202
System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleFileNameA(i 0, t .R0, i 1024) i r1'
System::Call 'kernel32::GetModuleHandleA(t R0)i .r2'
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i r2, i 104, i ${IMAGE_ICON}, , , i ${LR_SHARED}) i.R0`
SendMessage $0 ${STM_SETICON} $R0 0
Note that 104 is the resource ID that I am using for the second icon inside my installer