Archive: Search For Alltypes

Search For Alltypes
Hi pros

I been looking around and around but nothing could really give me a direct answer.

I looking for something to create the scripts, I downloaded Instructor.
Word Functions Header v3.1
Text Functions Header v2.1
File Functions Header v2.9

and read about it but it still unable to give me that kind of power you professionals have to form out the functions.

Method 1

Under my code source, I need something like a good search functions which is able to do these
- able search for Alldrives for diretory/foldersname/apps ( the user might have partitions and store the apps in one of it )
- able to read from WriteRegStr ( registry )
- able to change the SetOutPath to the corrected drive which have the files.

I not too sure is this really possible coz it seems difficult to get most of it done.
Method 2
This is another search function I was thinking is there a way to search for the folder existence and changed the $Installdir on SetOutPath and then if it does not exist, it will shutdown
# Installer sections
Section Main SEC0000
SetOutPath $InstalldIR
SetOverwrite on
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD /set 76 "Please Read While Loading" "Please do not reboot after this installation"
Sleep 1000
File "G:\xxx.exe"
File "upgrade.exe"
ExecWait "$TEMP\xxx.exe"
ExecWait "$TEMP\upgrade.exe"
Delete "$TEMP\xxx.exe"
Delete "$TEMP\upgrade.exe"

# Installer functions
Function .onInit
thanks to all who had been helping me this far.

Instructor has edited all these things you're looking for. Most of them included with NSIS release, others you will find at wiki. Also, at wiki you'll find a lot of useful stuff.
I guess the only way to get where you want is start reading the manual and browse deep into wiki. :-)

I am trying to implement this with the installer sections I have but I not too sure which one to use and how it could be change

here's the website here

More examples on modern UI ???

You should get a good practice on E.1.2 Locate and E.1.5 GetDrives, there are working examples into the manual, just be patient :-)

hi redwine thanks for ur encouragement

I was wonder this code here can be used

# Installer attributes
OutFile patch.exe
InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\Mystuff\zz" "Path"

# Installer sections
Section -Main SEC0000
SetOverwrite on
File "C:\Easy CD-DA Extractor 9\zone.dll"
File "C:\Easy CD-DA Extractor 9\plxing.exe"
File "C:\Easy CD-DA Extractor 9\lame.dll"

# Installer functions
Function .onInit
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "Software\Mystuff\zz" "Path" StrCmp $0 "" 0 continue
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "Registry path can not be found.Please make sure you have installed the files."
ReadRegStr $1 HKCU "Software\Mystuff\zz" "Path2" StrCmp $1 "" 0 continue
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "Registry path can not be found.Please make sure you have installed the files."
I am wondering will this work out to change to the correct installdirregkey if the folder existed using the path to detect.

The author of Easy CD-DA knows how to patch his prog. I guess you should contact him and ask him :-)

Thanks redwine , moderators and many others.

I finally able to do a loop change to the installdir thanks again.

cya soon