Archive: NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator

NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator
NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator is a tool that helps users to prepare and create their software installation. The preparation of the script is fully customisable, allowing users to set up and modify their desired preferences. It takes just three plain steps to prepare and create a full working and ready for distribution installation.

Please downnload the beta version from here and report bugs.

Download latest version from wiki at: NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator

Nice. A couple of suggestions: [list=1][*]Let the user select the name and location of the setup.exe file. Otherwise it will get overwritten every time a new setup is generated.[*]If the user chooses to save the script file, allow him to choose the name and location of the script file, and then open the script file upon finish.[/list=1]

Also, I noticed this potentially dangerous code in the script:

Delete "<none>\atgpc.log"
Delete "<none>\atlog.txt"
Delete "<none>\atrem.ini"
Delete "<none>\AUTOEXEC.BAT"
Delete "<none>\boot.ini"
Delete "<none>\CONFIG.SYS"
Delete "<none>\hiberfil.sys"
Delete "<none>\IO.SYS"
Delete "<none>\MSDOS.SYS"
Delete "<none>\NTDETECT.COM"
Delete "<none>\ntldr"
Delete "<none>\pagefile.sys"

@ iceman_k:
Thanks for the reply.
Users can use the filerequest dialog to save the installer on different place, though, all the things you mentioned about installer and script will be improved.
The potentially dangerous code generated by the script or you mean one may edit the saved script with this code?
I am comfused cause I can't find how and where this code is generated. If users select <none> the compiled script is without code at this part. Please could you specify this?

EDIT: oops! I found it! iceman_k you're right. thanks again, I'm goin to fix it right now

Originally posted by Red Wine
Users can use the filerequest dialog to save the installer on different place
Oh, right- I was looking for this filerequest on the last page, not the first page. :D
My fault.

well, all the issues mentioned by iceman_k fixed.
The potentially dangerous code issue caused of a missing single line of code.
Generator saves the script in the same place with the installer, warn users if installer already exists and makes a backup of a previously saved script.

Thank you very much iceman_k

Please download the improved version and report bugs.

Just removed the one above so the improved version is here:

Well, here is the last improved version for this weekend.
I have to prepare the lamb and all those traditional meat-things, so no time for anything else.
All reported issues have been fixed, moreover, the gui has improved.
Don't forget that it is still in beta version for testing purpose only.
Please download it from here, test it closely, and report bugs.
Most likely, without bugs reporting, there will be not considerable improvement.
Bugs, suggestions etc reporting is precious and always welcome.

new version of NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator is out. (beta 4).
* Added Languages.
* Significant gui changes according on notes by iceman_k.
* Stability improvement.

Please download from wiki.


Very nice. :up:
One question: I didn't quite understand what "Allow user to disable Start menu" does?
Further enhancement suggestions:

These are just suggestions- I think it is really nice right now. It does exactly what it advertises- allows the user to quickly create a fully functional installer. You don't really need to add much to it.

@ iceman_k:
Thank you very much!
I take all your suggestions very seriously, I'm already looking forward on how I could manage them.

One question: I didn't quite understand what "Allow user to disable Start menu" does?
The small checkbox on SM selection page where users can disable the SM folder creation. :-)

Originally posted by Red Wine
The small checkbox on SM selection page where users can disable the SM folder creation. :-)
Cool! I will add this option to EclipseNSIS as well.

today I had a chance to check the app on a win 98 system. The app acts normally, there were some labels not displaying properly though. I realised that I had not check the gui look with classic windows theme, so right now I made the required changes and just uploaded a fixed release at wiki.

Originally posted by Iceman_K
Make the "Application's Files Directory" optional- e.g., if my installer only has a single executable, I don't want to specify any more files.
Could be done, though, it makes not difference because in case that you have only one file for distribution, you can point as application's files directory the same dir from where you specified the main app exe. :-)

Originally posted by Red Wine
Could be done, though, it makes not difference because in case that you have only one file for distribution, you can point as application's files directory the same dir from where you specified the main app exe. :-)
Won't that try to install the main app.exe twice?

originally posted by Iceman_K
Won't that try to install the main app.exe twice?
Nope. Please make a test with the above example and see the generated script. :-)

cool tool :)

I wondered why nobody did that before and startet sth. similar some days ago.

I would post it here... but my hard disk with all files on it stopped working last friday :(
If I get some files rescued I'll post 'em.

The wizard I built started with two options: "Screensaver" and "Simple Application". Both options would create a "Basic" installer only.
I wanted to add a third option later with "Complex Application" where you'd be able to add multiple files and folders.

So please keep your fingers crossed for my hard drive 'cause I'd like to share those sources with you :)


Latest news about NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator:
* The website has been redesigned to look like a normal wiki page.
* I think we are at the last stage now, close to the first public no beta release.
* I have to complete a help file that I'm editing and start planing improvements for the future.

originally posted by any
I would post it here... but my hard disk with all files on it stopped working last friday
Uhh! Sounds like a nightmare, especially beacause it happened at Friday. :-)
originally posted by Iceman_K
# Make NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator multilingual. (This might get difficult because you will need translations for all your strings).
# Add support for splash screen/background images/sound etc.
# Allow user the option of creating silent or standard ("classic") installer, besides the current MUI installer.
Well, Iceman_k, as I said your suggestions are special.
* Multilang has some restrictions according to available space on controls. When I try (on my nature lang) to fit a string on the reserved space, it does not make sence at all. I need more space for a human readable description! So, I have not idea what is goin to happen with other languages. English have the asset of a short yet comprehensible typing.
* Splash, backrounds etc I'd look on them for the next release.
* Classic gui is easy, could be added now or with the next release.
* Silent installer I think is something outside of the scope of this app. While this app is indented for sortware developers who they like to use NSIS to distribute their software, I assume they wish to interact with their end users and stay on the safe side offering a clear and error free product. I can't think why a developer would like to deliver software with a silent installer.


new version uploaded at wiki hopefully this is the last beta for the current release :-)

* Added /SOLID compression respectively to all compression methods.
* Fixed (thanks to Instructor who reported the bug) droplist for compression selection and for additional files destination, both were not correctly visible (no expand the drop down menu) under Win 98 and Win Me systems.
* Some gui improvements.

hopefully fixed wrong spelling. Maybe there is more, if someone has suggestions on that, they are welcome.

Hi Red Wine,

Firstly, you've done an amazing job with the Script Generator. I've never dealt with any sort software packaging products before (or any real development at all for that matter), and after having played with NSIS for the last few days I am confident that your generator is going to knock weeks off the time it takes to create my installer.

Now for some feedback (keep in mind I am as green as they come on this) :).

The installer I am wanting to create is actually for an exisiting PHP based web application. In a nutshell all I want to do is put files in a user specified location, take a bunch of user input to set configurations in a single text file and registry entry, and finally set a couple of environment variables based on the installation path. Broken into steps I would say this is what I need that your excellent Script Generator doesn't seem to currently cater for;

1) Being a web application there is no EXE at the end of the installation to be executed, so for my needs I'd love it if this option in step 2 was optional.

2) Ability to create typical, minimal, full, custom style installation options, similar to the actual NSIS installer.

3) I'd love to be able to setup several custom pages to take in specific user input to modify settings in a text based configuration file and values within a registry entry.

4) Additional custom registry entries. I have a specific location for a registry entry I need to add, with several values in that entry to be user definable or set by the install path.

5) I need to be able to create/modify environment variables that are set based on installtion path.

6) Execution of scripts (such as WSH, VBS, etc) in the background.

7) Addition of custom graphics for branding and being able to add arbitrary text to pages to make the installer more product specific.

Anyway, that's my 2c. I have no idea if any of this feedback fits in with any roadmap you have for your app, and I have no idea how you'd go about implementing any of the flexibility needed for projects such as I am attempting short of having some sort of WYSIWYG interface, but I just thought I give some feedback from the point of view of an absolute newbie to the world of NSIS. In any case I've found I've learnt more in the last few hours from generating scripts with your app and then looking at the syntax than I have in the last two days trying to build scripts by myself. Thanks again for your efforts ;) .

Thanks a lot! Feedback is always valuable
there are some things on your suggestions already planed for the future, though, I'm working alone on this project on my free time, and I have not idea when they would be added. If there is someone from this forum who wants to share efforts for this project in order to take it on a higher level, I'll be glad to contact him.
For the moment as far as I know, there is one tool that comes near to your specific needs, and this is EclipseNSIS.


1) Being a web application there is no EXE at the end of the installation to be executed, so for my needs I'd love it if this option in step 2 was optional.
I realise that this could be optional, and probably would be soon.

2) Ability to create typical, minimal, full, custom style installation options, similar to the actual NSIS installer.
This part of work already started, needs more time to figure it properly.

3) I'd love to be able to setup several custom pages to take in specific user input to modify settings in a text based configuration file and values within a registry entry.
From my point of view, this should be an InstallOptions designer, though, I have not idea how to make it.

4) Additional custom registry entries. I have a specific location for a registry entry I need to add, with several values in that entry to be user definable or set by the install path.
Never looked on such thing. My indention was given to the point of not allowing "developers" use my application to do strange things on a target machine behind the back of the end user. It is a point of deeper thinking. I don't say no, I just say, why not, when you have your script ready, just manually add your customised registry entries.

5) I need to be able to create/modify environment variables that are set based on installtion path.
Probably same case as above.

6) Execution of scripts (such as WSH, VBS, etc) in the background.
This is easy, could be added in a moment, though, for my opinion could cause the installer to crash because of system security reasons. Needs a lot of testing.

7) Addition of custom graphics for branding and being able to add arbitrary text to pages to make the installer more product specific.
It is a part of the project that already started.



This tool is great !!
I have some suggestions too:
* I'd like to see an option to select the wizard images
(the big one on the welcome screen of the Installer and the small one on the upper right corner)
* Also an option for selecting an icon for the installer would be awesome.
* Make the "Application's Files Directory" optional as iceman_k propose.

I'm hoping these features will be implemented in the final version.
Keep up the good work !

Hello again,
more improvements have done. This advantage has been taken because kichik is with us these days and he sent some notes. (Thanks a lot kichik).
* Main improvement is the backwards compatibility with Windows 95 OS. I've missed this point, so kichik show me how to do it.
* The open up script in notepad option changed to open up script in editor, so the script is opened with default user's editor. (changed Exec to ExecShell)

originally posted by DrilonX
This tool is great !!
I have some suggestions too:
* I'd like to see an option to select the wizard images
(the big one on the welcome screen of the Installer and the small one on the upper right corner)
* Also an option for selecting an icon for the installer would be awesome.
* Make the "Application's Files Directory" optional as iceman_k propose.

I'm hoping these features will be implemented in the final version.
Keep up the good work !
Thanks a lot DrilonX! All suggestions are welcome.
Options related to images are in progress, yet working alone on my free time, it's obvious that take some time to get them out. Also I'm checking the optional case for "Application's Files Directory" along with "main exe" as well.

I tried this out today and have one more suggestion: the browse dialog for the 'main exe' defaults to only showing *.exe files. My application installs a chm file. I suggest adding a *.* option to the file types in the open dialog.

Good job, Red Wine.

Thanks for the reply Red Wine. I had a look at EclipseNSIS, but it is somewhat more complicated than your installer. I'll spend this morning browsing the tutorials there to see if I can get my head around how this thing ticks.

Great to hear that a few of my suggestions are already underway :). Again, I really appreciate all the hard work you put in. There seems to be a lot of script generation tools, but yours is the only one I've found that appears to be still under development.

originally posted by demiller9
I tried this out today and have one more suggestion: the browse dialog for the 'main exe' defaults to only showing *.exe files. My application installs a chm file. I suggest adding a *.* option to the file types in the open dialog.

Good job, Red Wine.
Thanks a lot
this could be done, though, without shortcuts creation and post installation run. I mean, lets say you point as main file a rar archive, creating shortcuts and post run, yet the end user has not winrar installed on their system, so the rar extension is not registered and explorer cannot open the file. You see it is hard to know what extensions are registered on a target. Even HtmlHelp is not default on all windows versions. I don't remember exactly, but I know that HH came out with some win98 version.
If you just want to pack a bounce of files, I'd suggest use NSIS sfx package builder or other similar tool, there are plenty of such tools on wiki.

a short delay for the final release needed in order to add some features suggested by users.

* Changes since beta 7

Main exe <Application's Main Executable> now is optional field.
This means that either your app has not an executable,
or for some reason you do not wish to point to that file,
now you're able to bypass this field.
In this case, there is not ability for creating shortcuts though.

Add files <Application's Files Directory> remains unchanged.
There is not need for changes on this field since actually it is
optional. You may combine it or not with the above field according
to your preferences. If you have only one exe for distribution,
and you want a normal installation for this, (create shortcuts etc),
then point to that file on the above field and browse for the dir
where that file resides on this field.

Check generated script for details on how to take advantage of the
new features.

* comments about that are welcome.
* Download from wiki


New version beta 9 is out.
* Changes since beta 8
Added ability to save/load project settings.
When application is first time launched, creates some INI into
the current dir, and offers option either to save the complete project
just when the generate button is pressed, or to save the current
state if the cancel button is pressed on every one page of the three steps.
Also a recent 5 projects list is created and the user has the ability
either to browse for an existing project, or select a recent one
from the recent projects droplist.

Download from wiki


Detected, fixed and uploaded. :-)
When wizard was canceled on first step,
settings were stored correctly exept languages.

Version 1 05.17.2006 final is out
* Last changes
Parts of code rewritten, focused to application's stability and speed.
Download link
Application is a work in progress.
Next to come:
Customised installer graphics,
Components preferences.



Really good work. Thx for Release..

My Problem: At the end after i click GENERATE i dont get any Outputted File?! Why could be that?

My Problem: At the end after i click GENERATE i dont get any Outputted File?! Why could be that?
Not sure if I got your point...

Just in case an issue has caused because I've compiled the app with the latest NSIS nightly build, I went back to NSIS 2.16, recompiled and reuploaded.
Though, there is a strange thing happens. I can't access the NSIS quick setup script generator page at wiki. I was able to upload the file normally, but the page is disappeared from my view, I get only a blank page.

edit: all normal again :-)
Download link.

I get the same problem as karabey -> everything runs normally but I don't get an output (other than the .ini file). Even though I've checked both 'Save compiled script for further editing' and 'Also open up saved script in notepad', there's nothing in my Compiler Preferences Browse folder


Everything runs normal for me, I'm still on NSIS 2.16. I guess I have to upgrade to 2.17 and re-compile.
Until now, the app is checked 1000 times on Win XP sp 2 and Win 98 SE, never had such problems.
Does anybody else has same problems like RussW?

Everything works fine for me even in 2.17. I can't reproduce the fault so I can't find a reason why it happened. Any ideas?

here at work, I can't even get past Step 2: Please specify the output directory and applicatin files.

get error: Please verify that installation files source folder exists!

I'm using NSIS 2.17 and I extracted QSSG to the NSIS install folder

Originally posted by Red Wine
Everything runs normal for me, I'm still on NSIS 2.16. I guess I have to upgrade to 2.17 and re-compile.
Until now, the app is checked 1000 times on Win XP sp 2 and Win 98 SE, never had such problems.
Does anybody else has same problems like RussW?
Yes. Tested on 2 systems with NSIS 2.16 & 2.18

Can anybody post a Script with "Allow user to disable Start menu" ?

Not able to reproduce this problem either.
Everything works fine for me. Tested on 4 clean XP systems this morning. The application does work exactly as it has to.
Don't know what else to do. Any light please?

Tested on a new clean german XP system with SP2. Same problem. No script available on PC :eek: and in this thread :igor:

just posted a full working example for those who they are asking for this.
The example creates a complete installation of the well known famous xp-antispy application.
Please download the example from HERE and extract it to your local drive C recreating the original path structure. (The path should be as C:\TEMP\NQSSG).
Obviusly requires an active NSIS installation.

I have a little more information on the problem that karabey and RossW saw where the program ran fine but there was no output file. I also had no output file when I first ran the program. I am running dual-boot, with Windows 98SE on disk C: and Windows XP on disk D: ; when I installed NSIS and this very excellent Script Generator program in Windows XP, on disk D:, there was no output from your Script Generator. When I re-booted into Windows 98SE on disk C:, and installed both NSIS and the Script Generator, then it gave an output file. When I rebooted to Windows XP, now it also gave an output file. IF I renamed both the NSIS and Script Generator installation directories which were on disk C: so that they were no longer accessible to Windows XP running on D:, then it again gave no output file. Therefore, I conclude that when NSIS and the Script Generator Program are not installed on disk C:, it is still trying to access something on disk C: (and it should not if that's not where it was installed). Thanks for the program!

Archive: NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator

@ cisco80 thanks for your support.
Strange case while there is not even a single hard-coded line of code. I use constants and vars everywhere is needed, ${NSISDIR} for the case you mentioned. Probably this goes outside of my knowledge, last things I should do are to re-read line by line the entire code and set up a dual boot system trying to re-produce the bug.

I'll try to help you out by spending a little more time narrowing the problem down to whether it is looking for NSIS or the Script Generator on C:. If only Windows XP would tell me what data access it was trying to do that failed . . .

Originally posted by Red Wine
@ cisco80 thanks for your support.
Strange case while there is not even a single hard-coded line of code. I use constants and vars everywhere is needed, ${NSISDIR} for the case you mentioned. Probably this goes outside of my knowledge, last things I should do are to re-read line by line the entire code and set up a dual boot system trying to re-produce the bug.
${NSISDIR} is build time definition not a variable. So if you use ${NSISDIR} e.g. To look the makensis.exe it will only work if NSIS is installed in the same path as it is in the computer where the utility was build on.

You can get the NSIS installation path at run time in the registry.
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\NSIS" ""

idk if its just me when every time i run it is says "nsis quick setup script generator requires an active nsis installation on youre system please visit nsis's homepage to obtian the current release. I have nsis 2.20 installed and working what am i doing wrong
and just asking will the source ever be realesed?
idea on next realese allow the user to choose the nsis install dir directory

nycjv321, it seems like {_trueparuex^} may have answered your question, also. From his post, it sounds like if you have not installed NSIS in "C:\PROGRAM FILES\NSIS", then it will not work. Could that be your problem?

I guess we got the solution thanks to {_trueparuex^} support.
It is too obvious so I could not grab it by my self :-)
I'm going to check it right now and post a fixed release later.
Thank you all.

yea i installed it to "C:\PROGRAM FILES\NSIS"
i check this out later not at home pc

OK fixed release uploaded to wiki.
Please download from wiki.

yea i check the registry it wasnt there the nsis portable launcher i was using was conflicting with it so i reinstalled nsis to add the reg keys and that fixed the problem :) i used it and it is aswome! does all the coding for you woot but
as a feature in a later realese, when u have time, maybe add the option of save the code it uses to compile i notice it saves compile info but it would help it would to save the code for noobies like me to help me learn more about nsis (thats why i wanted to see the sources for "NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator" but seeing this great app i wont bug about it)

@ nycjv321
Thanks for the feedback. There is already an option to save the script and edit later. You could find the saved script into the same folder with the compiled setup.exe.

o duh probobly didnt look thx for the reply

I'm trying to download the NSIS wizard and WIKI says that there is no file found on the page. Any thoughts as to where this file has been moved to?

SourceForge have migrated their servers and broke our website on the process. It'll be back soon.


Can a subfolder be chosen for the Start Menu location?

For example:

Instead of installing to a folder called FIGHT it installs to a sub-folder called FIGHT, within a folder called GAMES.


When I try to configure the program to do this, I enter the following text in the "Start Menu Folder Name" box:


But the program reports:

"Please specify a valid path for the installer." :(

Any help appreciated, thanks.

Probably should be $STARTMENU\Games\Fight ?

Originally posted by MSG
Probably should be $STARTMENU\Games\Fight ?
Nope, that doesn't work either.