Command Line execution problem
Good evening,
I have some difficulties to execute a command line during my installation process:
This is my code which should extract the contents from the Data.7z file in the $INSTDIR directory:
File 7za.exe
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
nsExec::ExecToLog '”$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe” x “$EXEDIR\Data.7z” -y -o”$INSTDIR\”'
Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe"
In the log appear:
Exécution : ”C:\DOCUME~1\_SUPER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsq112.tmp\7za.exe” x “E:\Data.7z” -y -o”C:\Program Files\MonApp\”
But it do nothing and no error message appear.If I try to use ExecWait instead:
ExecWait '”$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe” x “$EXEDIR\Data.7z” -y -o”$INSTDIR\”'
Nothing appear in the logand if, manually, I enter this command in a shell, it work...
Is it normal that this line does not function either?
nsExec::ExecToLog 'dir'
Do you know why these don't work?