Archive: Binding BrandingImage into the .exe

Binding BrandingImage into the .exe

I used the BrandingImage for a logo into my installer, but I noticed that it doesn't get binded into the .exe, so it has to be always available in the same directory.

Isn't there any other way? I can't really believe that the only possibility would be to have the image as a seperate file, because the installer is able to contain everything needed for the setup, but NOT the image? In the help file I couldn't find anything else...

Is there something I overlooked?

Nice greetings and thanks in advance
The Guv'nor

PS: I'm using the standard UI, not the modern one...

I was trying something similar with an icon: I wanted the icon to be embedded in the exe so that I could call it and place it on some window, in this thread. The principle should be the same for an image, you could add it to the exe using resource hacker and !packhdr. The solution for an icon can be found here
Hope this helps

Well okay, using Resource Hacker would be a solution, but it's too complicated because I'd have to do that every time I compiled the NSIS Script.

If there is really no feature in NSIS for including the BrandingImage right into the installer, it should be implemented, because the goal is indeed to pack everything into ONE file. Why should the logo be placed as a seperate file? If I download a program from the internet, I also just get the setup.exe and no additional files... it's kind of unlogical that the installer can do everything, but not something easy like this...

Try this then.

You're right that it should be embedded in the installer.
However that wouldn't be a good idea in other respects because it would have to be in an uncompressed format (BMP's are generally quite large), or decompressed directly into memory (which again would require extra installer overhead for this to be accomplished).

Just extract it to $PLUGINSDIR and let the installer delete it when it's finished.


Sorry, I posted into the wrong thread... so I'll post the things I wanted to say again, now into the right thread ;)

Thank you!

I just extracted it into the TEMP-Directory and deleted it afterwards again. It works perfectly

Now of course it's very easy to do this - you just have to get this idea perhaps a "IncludeBrandingImage" or something can be implemented in future versions, though...

Nice greetings