Archive: using WriteRegBin gives nsis compiler error

using WriteRegBin gives nsis compiler error
Hello everyone,

The following instruction gives me an error when compiling

WriteRegBin HKCU "software\example" "Phrase" $R1

$R1 holds the data to put in the registry. If I add the data directly in the code there is no problem, but of course that isn't possible as I read the data from a file.

Other similar instructions (like: WriteRegDWORD, WriteRegStr) don't give me any kind of error.

Any idea why might this be happening?

Kind Regards

WriteRegBin - "valuedata" it is run-time parameter it can't be variable. See Registry plugin

${registry::Write} "HKCU\software\example" "Phrase" "$R1" "REG_BINARY" $0

Thanks Instrutor, very helpful.