Archive: encoding used for translations?

encoding used for translations?
I've been trying to make a polish translation for my installer but NSIS keeps estimating the polish letters to the latin equivalents, what encoding does NSIS use?

do I need to use a specific encoding for the source code file?

this is really starting to bug me off, how exactly do I make a translation? do I put the LangStrings into a different file? how should I include this file in the main source code file? what encoding should I use?

I can NOT get this to work :(

It assumes no encoding and just copies the bytes as is. What you're seeing is probably the result of a bad choice of the default language for non-Unicode applications in the language control panel.

when I use unicode/utf-8 encoding on the file containing the langstrings, I get errors when trying to compile the installer.

it pretty much says "(??) unknown command line 1", and when i remove line 1, i get the same thing (meaning line 2 was also erroneous)

if I save the language file in ANSI, the special polish characters are removed.. would anyone be so kind to tell me what apps to use when saving these language files so i can actually get my installer to compile?

Removed how? Where? Maybe it's the editor you're using. Have you tried Notepad?

Polish requires UNICODE/UTF-8, and that can't be used apparently since I get errors like this when trying to compile:

Invalid command: þÿ
Error in script "D:\home\quake\_fquake-files\fquake\fquake-lang-polish.nsi" on line 1 -- aborting creation process

The installer source is in ANSI, so pasting the polish translation into that file won't do any good since all the UTF-8 characters will be translated into latin equivalents.

I've tried all encodings I can find in Notepad and UltraEdit, nothing works.

This is how line 1 & 2 in fquake-lang-polish.nsi looks like:

# Polish

Polish doesn't require Unicode, it's not that complicated. Latin 2 (1250) is what Microsoft has listed for it. Save your separate NSH file in that encoding. If that's not your ANSI code page (language for non-Unicode applications selected in the control panel), use an application that can choose the code page when saving.