Archive: Notepad Plus & Textpad Syntax Highlighting Files

Notepad Plus and NSIS-highlighting (attachment)
Last eveneing i was annoyed with poor nsis highlighting in textpad.

although it has 5 keyword sections it only can handle 2 for highlighting. :mad:

so i tried Notepad++ (Plus)

It is freeware and needs no installation (zip instead setup).

it has also no fully highlighting, but it has 4 workable
sections instead 2.

instructions to insert better nsis-support for notepad++ (plus)

- close notepad++
- open notepad ++ (plus) folder

- open "langs.xml" with any text-editor
- search "nsis"-section (about line 120)
- replace it with section from "langs_nsis.xml"
- save

- open "stylers.xml" with any text-editor
- search "nsis"-section (about line 354)
- replace it with section from "styler_nsis.xml"
- save

thats all
now re-open notepad++ again and edit colours

(c) Brummelchen 2006
Some notes:
- highlighting is case sensitive
eg execwait is not highlighted but ExecWait
- not all plugins are supported and then only the first keyword
eg. System::Free is not fully recognized, only System and Free.
- Function/FunctionEnd is treated as default text
why? cause notepad++ can minimize functions due to these keywords
[+]Function foo

[-] Function foo
- FunctionEnd

- i dont know all keywords so post mising here or add it yourself, its very easy.

Please don't swear on here. It is not appropriate in this forum.


sorry, english isnt my best, thx for correcting it

Could you post this syntax highlighting script for Notepad Plus in the wiki, please?

i never worked on a wiki or blog :/ so wiki is not my friend, someone else would do it pls!?

Small update for the MUI part.
You only need to update the langs.xml

[edit]attachment removed as requested[/edit]

added more plugins, section-flags, pre-defined secinfos, attributes, mui and some minor stuff

see below

and a working solution for textpad now - found my fault in syntax file

both syntax highlightings contain same strings, but textpad has 6 keywords now and notepad++ only 4.

instructions how to compile from textpad you can read here:

alterations done :)


thx, but you deleted the wrong attachment ;)

whoops, i forgot there was one in the first post. sorry about that


Great! :)

Have you contacted the Notepad++ coders?
So they can add the altered NSIS-Highlighting in the next NP++ Version.


i need more investigations for n++ highlighting :(
in textpad i have 6 classes, in n++ only 4, but there are
more possible - but i dont know how.
I am still working for more keywords, but i cant post
ev'day a new file ;)
see what they answer me