get the pixel size of a image
i have searched all the avaialble documents
but haven't got an answer
is there a way i can get the size of a bmp image?
i want do display a arbitrary image on a custom page
but i don't want it to be distorted if the width and height does not fit
for the iamge i have used this
System::Call "user32::LoadImage(i 0, t '$R0', i 0, i 310, i 180, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s"
or is there any other way to load images?
i have tried the ebanner plugin but didn't worked for me because i was not able to get it in the desired area of the screen ... it just poped up on the background
this was the code:
ReadINIStr $ctrlhandle "$PLUGINSDIR\select_skin.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
; ebanner::show /NOUNLOAD /HALIGN=CENTER /VALIGN=CENTER /HWND=$ctrlhandle /FIT=BOTH "$R0"