Archive: wansis and LoadImage problems

wansis and LoadImage problems
i use this command to load images i need to display on my installer

ReadINIStr $ctrlhandle "$PLUGINSDIR\select_skin.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
System::Call "user32::LoadImage(i 0, t '$R0', i 0, i 310, i 180, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s"
Pop $bmphandle

SendMessage $ctrlhandle 0x0172 "" "$bmphandle"

the images are changed by a droplist event

with wansis:
if i change the images too fast with the mouse wheel .. then the installer simply quits
it's enough to scroll up or down several items in the list by moving the mouse wheel relatively fast

without wansis:
if i scroll like crazy for about 30 seconds then the image dissapears and same thing happens to all the other images in the installer [i.e. on the welcome/finish screen]

It probably runs out of handles. You should close the image handle after you're done with it.

now i have this code for reading the size of the bitmap image

    System::Alloc 24
Pop $R3
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i 0, t "$R0", i 0, i 0, i 0, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.R1`
System::Call `gdi32::GetObject(i R1, i 24, i R3)`
System::Call `*$R3(i, i .R1, i .R2, i, i, i, i)`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i R1)`
System::Free $R3

and this code to put the image on screen

ReadINIStr $ctrlhandle "$PLUGINSDIR\select_skin.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
System::Call "user32::LoadImage(i 0, t '$R0', i 0, i '$0', i '$1', i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s"
Pop $bmphandle
SendMessage $ctrlhandle 0x0172 "" "$bmphandle"
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i bmphandle)`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i ctrlhandle)`
; last plugin call must not have /NOUNLOAD so NSIS will be able to delete
; the temporary DLL
SetPluginUnload manual
; do nothing (but let the installer unload the System dll)
System::Free $bmphandle
System::Free $ctrlhandle

i have put the lines for $bmphandle and $ctrlhandle in an attempt to free the resource

still exactly the same problems
but after i have added the code to read the image pixel size the problems appear sooner [on scroll wheel select]

Not sure why you need the code to get the image size. You can just use 0 for the width and height when you want to use the original dimensions when using LoadImage (just like I have done in the code that you requested).


i need it because i need to resize the image to fit the window

the image is from outside of the installer
and it may have a different size than the size i can put in the installer 310x180
so i need to display a scaled image in the installer, i don;t want a distorted one

I have on mu vault a script to get bitmap sizes...

Converted to nsis...

:) thanx for the script
but the problem is not the image size
i have the image size and also have made the code to scale down the image to fit in 320x180 pixels because i will use images of any size

but the problem is that the installer seems to have some problems when i change the image using a droplist event

with or without wansis

with wansis it's more dificult because the installer exits for no reason

without wansis if i change the droplist [eachs change causes the image to change also]after a while all the images from the installer are gone [incl. those from welcome/finish pages]

so i susspect there is a problem with my code
maybe i have smth wrong with image handles ...

i have posted the code because i am not sure i have the correct commands for closing the handle ..

thanx in advance :)

Your delete object calls are missing a dollar sign for the bmphandle vriable. ctrlhandle shouldn't be closed.

ok i have this code now ...

   ReadINIStr $ctrlhandle "$PLUGINSDIR\select_skin.ini" "Field 2" "HWND"
System::Call "user32::LoadImage(i 0, t '$R0', i 0, i '$0', i '$1', i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s"
Pop $bmphandle
SendMessage $ctrlhandle 0x0172 "" "$bmphandle"
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i $bmphandle)`

now it's a little strange
the images r dissapearing like before
exept a few of them from the droplist [2 maybe 3]

also .. no image appears at the first run [on page show]

i have 40-60 items in the drolist so i have to read 40-60 different bitmap images
images are read each time i change the droplist

maybe i chenge too fast with the mouse wheel so the system diesn;t have time to do all the commands

do you think it would be usefull to add a delay timer of about 100 miliseconds?
like Sleep 100
[to give time to the system to do the comands and close the handle aswell]

You should close the handle only after you change the picture. If you close the handle of an image being displayed, it'll disappear.

ah yes ... true
but the image remains on the screen untill a another window gets over and then the image dissapears

but i have observed that it seems my used memory increases during this operation [changing the droplist]
but it gets nowhere near 50% ...

on task manager i have the setup using abou 3-4 megs maximum

but the page file usage increases a lot .. 100-200 megs maybe more

oh, i have observed smth interesting

at the first display of each of the bmp images, all is ok
no increase in memory usage or page file usage [not even by a bit]

but then on the second display it starts to increase pf usage
third disply of the same picture same increase ... and so on

so at some point the hard disk starts to roll and the images dissapear
after 5-6 displays of all 60 pictures

why is this happening

now i have added the code
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i $bmphandle)`
just before changing the bitmap

now i can change the images twice before the pagefile starts to load data

is this a bug of LoadImage .. or is it me?

It's you. You are probably not handling the handles correctly. If you can't find the problem, attach the entire script for a review.

i have posted reply by mistake to the other post, sorry

i have simplified the code
i have deleted some functions that were reading from some files [fileopen, file read, fileclose and a few loops], and read from registry

now the pictures don't disappear, but after a few scrolls
i get the size of the pictures x=0 y=o :-s

please put some bmp's in the "pict" directory to test
prefferably more than 20 with 500*300 pixels or bigger

In your code to get the bitmap size, you change $R1 which contains the bitmap handle. When you later call DeleteObject, it's deleting the wrong object.

i have tried that also
same error :cry:

it woked :D
soory, it was my fault
well, i have adapted the code from Afrow UK
it seems he made the same error in his code

this is the code i have used to make it work

    System::Alloc 24
Pop $R3
System::Call `user32::LoadImage(i 0, t "$R0", i 0, i 0, i 0, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.R7`
System::Call `gdi32::GetObject(i R7, i 24, i R3)`
System::Call `*$R3(i, i .R1, i .R2, i, i, i, i)`
System::Call `gdi32::DeleteObject(i $R7)`
System::Free $R3

but the problem with wansis still remains
setup exits if i rapidly change the droplist

wansis is not skining the droplist
is this a wansis problem?

here is the script i have used for testing
quick scroll the droplist with ouse wheel and installer exits :-s

do you recommend using skincrafter instead?

personally i have chosen wansis because of the simplicity of the bmp files

sorry i forgot to attach the script

I don't know why it crashes with wansis, but the rest works fine. The GDI handle count stays foot and so does the memory usage. You should contact the author of wansis.

I'va had a similar problem with wansis and droplist events in the ExperienceUI 1.1 beta 3 installer (i think). When I did the mouse wheel thing under Win2k it showed a "setup.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows" message. It didn't change a bitmap, just a couple of labels. There were only 4 options in the drop down list.


have you solved the problem?
or the only solution is to remove wansis...

you could opt for a sleep of a few millisecs in the script.
( and forced message que refresh maybe)