Archive: Hire someone to create a script for me?

Hire someone to create a script for me?
Hi All,

I've never used NSIS or any other such software before, and I was looking to use NSIS to create an installer for a freeware product to launch with a new website I am working on. My planned launch date is getting close and I still have lots and lots of work to do with my website. I'm starting to think that I may not have time to learn NSIS syntax, plus create my script to a level I would want to put my name to by the time I launch my site. I was just wondering if any NSIS guru's were available to hire to create my script for a fee? I will still see how I go having a crack myself, but it is starting to look more and more likely that I won't have time to get both my installer and website ready in time, and just wanted to explore the possibility of paying someone to do it for me.

Hi brashquido,
I'd be willing to help you with this, I have a page for installer development services here. I give discounts to programs that are open source (OSI certified license).


I can help. Give a dummy directory structure and a list of registry keys and start menu shortcuts, and anything else the installer should do, and I will make an installer using MUI. Please email the info to me (just trying to be private about it). Email:
Could be a few days before you will get a script. I am just trying to help.