Archive: Change MUI Icons/Images?

Change MUI Icons/Images?
I could not find a clear answer in the forums, docs, or wiki. What needs to be done to replace the icons and images used by the NSIS installer so they are customized? I read about the Icon attribute in the docs but it is not clear to me what has to be done.

Have a look at the "General Interface Settings" section of the MUI docs.

For the icon, use:

!define MUI_ICON "C:\path to\your icon\icon.ico"

If you need to change the header icon, use:

!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "C:\path to\your header\header.bmp"

Both of these get inserted in your script before any pages are inserted.

Other options are available as well. They're all in the MUI docs. Have a look at the example scripts as well.

You might also want to see how these things are done in a stock NSIS script. Info for this is also in the exmaple as well as the general NSIS help files.