11th May 2006 10:49 UTC
Can not remove dir on windows 98
Hi All,
My uninstaller works superbly on winXP and doesn't leave any files or folders behind. But on Windows 98/ME the same installer's uninstaller process leaves 2 empty folders even though I am using /REBOOTOK and /r flag with RMDIR command to delete those folders.
Can anyone suggest what could be causing this.
Afrow UK
11th May 2006 14:19 UTC
Did you change the working folder with SetOutPath before deleting the folders?
15th June 2006 14:30 UTC
Sorry for the late reply.
Yes I do set the dir using SetOutPath but still it doesn't remove that directory. Can you suggest any other solution?
15th June 2006 23:17 UTC
In other words, Afrow UK means that SetOutPath should not point to the folder you are trying to delete. Try SetOutPath "$TEMP", then try deleting the folders.
16th June 2006 15:45 UTC
Thanks for the response. I tried setting path to some different directory than the one which I need to delete and it still leave the folder behind. Other thing I would like to mention is before rebooting the machine I find few dlls in that directory which are in use which only gets deleted after reboot but the folder is left behind still.
18th June 2006 22:36 UTC
Don't know what other solutions there are. Could be a bug. You could also try ending the processes using the dlls before deleting the folder.