Archive: How to Build a "multi-files" uncompressed setup?

How to Build a "multi-files" uncompressed setup?
I try to build my setup as not compressed but the result is still a unique .exe file.
Is it possible to have all the files non compressed as the result of a build ?
Thx a lot !

See CopyFiles instruction instead of File

problem is that if I want to see the detail during the installation I only see the name of the destination folder and not the name of the files.
I also see Windows Copy file popup and is not really what I want.
Is there no other solution ?

I can use /SILENT to avoid the display of the Windows copy file popup, but it still not solve my problem of detail printing.

I also have a problem with the required space which is null if I replace File ... with CopyFiles ...



I am still unable to get the size of the component.
Any idea ?

See ${GetSize} NSIS documentation E.1.3 GetSize :-)

Sorry about that but I have the following compilation error:

Invalid command: ${GetSize}

Even if I use !include "FileFunc.nsh" in my script.

Sorry about that I just forget

!insertmacro GetSize

Now it is working fine !

I can get the size of the file, then I need to use this size within the CopyFiles function like this

${GetSize} "C:\WINDOWS" "/M=Explorer.exe /S=0K /G=0" $0 $1 $2
CopyFiles /SILENT "C:\WINDOWS\Explorer" "c:\folder\Explorer.exe" $0

In order to increase the component size.

All I get is a compiler error:
CopyFiles expects 2-5 parameters, got 11.
Usage: CopyFiles [/SILENT] [/FILESONLY] source_path destination_path [total_size_in_kb]

but I only have 4 parameters...

Forget the line :
CopyFiles expects 2-5 parameters, got 11.
it was my mistake, all I have is:

Usage: CopyFiles [/SILENT] [/FILESONLY] source_path destination_path [total_size_in_kb]
Error in script "stdin" on line 122 -- aborting creation process

No other way than CopyFiles ??
Because using CopyFiles rather than extract I need to do everything by hand:
- size of the component
- progress bar animation
- ...

Is there another way to build a setup, with uncompressed files, than can "extracted" during installation ?

I misread the question

Edit: removed "Maybe SetCompress off"