Recursively setting dir/file permissions
Hi people,
My distribution zipfile which sits inside ".\setup_files" (built into the setup.exe on NSIS compile), has a few read-only directories and files. I have tried using
its obvious it doesnt support wildcards however. $R0 returns success, although its not actually setting them to non read only.
AccessControl::GrantOnFile $INSTDIR\* "Administrator" "GenericRead + GenericWrite"
I've tried with the AccessControl plugin also, but I'm probably missing the mark somehow, I could extract them into a temp dir and manually set each files permission, but it pains me thinking about it, if I can just:
a) ask the zipfile creator nicely if he'll set the permissions properly (they are set for a reason, not just set)
b) set the perms on the $INSTDIR after uncompression from the zipfile, and they have been placed in the $INSTDIR.
I've googled for a bit, and searched here, but all I can find is similar to the two methods above, or merely a 'get' and not 'set' method.
anyones help I am very grateful for.
Thanks NSIS community.