Archive: Font installation

Font installation

i'm trying to get my app to install a font. I've downloaded the fontName and fontNameAdv stuff from Vytautas but I can't get it to work.

The .nsh files seem to be in th eright place, as does the dll but my code

!include FontRegAdv.nsh
!include FontName.nsh

!define FontBackup Software\myapp\Telnet

Section "Fonts"


!insertmacro InstallTTF 'D:\AProducts\Utilities\Telnet\fonts\linedraw.ttf'


gives me the error

!insertmacro: InstallTTF
Push: $0
Push: $R0
Push: $R1
Push: $R2
Push: $R3
!define: "Index"="Line207.7"
!insertmacro: GetFileNameCall
!insertmacro: macro "GetFileNameCall" requires 2 parameter(s), passed 3!
Error in macro InstallTTF on macroline 10
Error in script "D:\AProducts\Utilities\Setup\NSIS\telnet_setup.nsi" on line 207 -- aborting creation process

Any ideas where I'm going wrong?



I've found the problem. I simplified the example, and in doing so completely removed the problem. Its actually that InstallTTF doesn't like filenames with spaces. The real line was more like

!insertmacro InstallTTF 'D:\AProducts\My Utilities\Telnet\fonts\linedraw.ttf'

and this caused the error.

So sorry for confusing anybody, but it is a genuine bug I believe.


It is indeed. You should contact the author and get him to put quotes around his parameters for GetFileNameCall.

He's probably using:

!insertmacro GetFileNameCall ... ${File}

Where ${File} will be 'D:\AProducts\My Utilities\Telnet\fonts\linedraw.ttf', which contains a space and thus ${File} becomes two parameters and not one. He needs to use "${File}" to make it one parameter again.


I'm using this to install fonts:

IfFileExists "$FONTS\Forgotti.ttf" FontOK
SetOutPath "$FONTS"
File "..\..\Common\Font\*.*"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" "Forgotten Futurist" "Forgotte.ttf"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" "Forgotten Futurist Italic" "Forgotti.ttf"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" "Forgotten Futurist Bold" "Forgottb.ttf"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" "Forgotten Futurist Bold Italic" "Forgotbi.ttf"
GetTempFileName $R0
File /oname=$R0 "..\..\Common\Font\Fonts.dll" ;on met la dll dans l'Install et dans le dossier temporaire lors de son exécution
Push "Forgotti.ttf"
CallInstDLL $R0 registerFont ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
GetTempFileName $R0
Pop $R0
Push "Forgotte.ttf"
CallInstDLL $R0 registerFont ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
GetTempFileName $R0
Pop $R0
Push "Forgottb.ttf"
CallInstDLL $R0 registerFont ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
GetTempFileName $R0
Pop $R0
Push "Forgotti.ttf"
CallInstDLL $R0 registerFont ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
fonts::registerFont "Forgotte.ttf" ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
fonts::registerFont "Forgotti.ttf" ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
fonts::registerFont "Forgottb.ttf" ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte
fonts::registerFont "Forgotbi.ttf" ;utilisation de la dll pour enregistrer la fonte