16th May 2006 17:28 UTC
Problem with Cancel button
On the first page of my installer I ask the user to select the installation directory of another piece of dependent software. The installer then checks if a certain file within this directory exists. If it exists the installation will continue. If it doesn't exist an MB_OK message box will be displayed and the user can then re-enter the installation directory.
Here is the code:
Function MainScreen1
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "Main_Screen_1.ini"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $var_FL_INSTALL_DIR "Main_Screen_1.ini" "Field 4" "State"
IfFileExists $var_FL_INSTALL_DIR\config\policy finish not_installed
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "The software is not installed in the specified directory." IDOK try_again
However, if the user hits Cancel when the incorrect directory is currently selected the "Are you sure you want to quit setup?" message box appears, which is all well and good, but when Yes is clicked the "The software is not installed in the specified directory." message box gets displayed!!
How do I get round this? Is there a best practice way of doing this sort of thing?
Red Wine
16th May 2006 17:55 UTC
you need to set up a validation custom function, you can't use the same IO function as show and leave.
your code is an infinite loop, don't you see it?
you may want to refer to included IO examples.
16th May 2006 19:23 UTC
Originally posted by Red Wine
you need to set up a validation custom function, you can't use the same IO function as show and leave.
your code is an infinite loop, don't you see it?
you may want to refer to included IO examples.
Yeah I see the infinite loop it's just I wanted to know if there was a way around it. I'll have a look at the included IO examples like you suggest.
Red Wine
16th May 2006 19:37 UTC
page custom MainScreen1_show MainScreen1_leave
Function MainScreen1_show
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "Main_Screen_1.ini"
Function MainScreen1_leave
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $var_FL_INSTALL_DIR "Main_Screen_1.ini" "Field 4" "State"
IfFileExists $var_FL_INSTALL_DIR\config\policy finish not_installed
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "The software is not installed in the specified directory." IDOK 0
22nd May 2006 09:36 UTC
This worked a charm, thanks for your help Red Wine. Sorry only getting back to you now!
Red Wine
22nd May 2006 09:39 UTC
you welcome, glad if I can help :-)
Afrow UK
22nd May 2006 10:24 UTC
It might be a good idea to check `$var_FL_INSTALL_DIR\config\policy\*.*`. This will perform a directory check rather than a file check (policy could be a file and therefore the directory path would be invalid).