Archive: Create Shortcut and RUN exe after UNZIP

Create Shortcut and RUN exe after UNZIP

How can i make for this Script a Shortcut for Desktop and start from the extracted Folder the EXE File and the end of the installer?

;Include Modern UI

!include "MUI.nsh"


; The name of the installer
Name "InetLoad Test"
OutFile "InetLoad.exe"
InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\InetLoad

;Interface Settings


;Pages & Languages

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

;SilentInstall silent
;Installer Sections
Section "Dummy Section" SecDummy

NSISdl::download "$PLUGINSDIR\"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Download failed: $R0"

nsisunz::UnzipToLog "$PLUGINSDIR\" "$INSTDIR"
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
DetailPrint "$R0" ;print error message to log

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\MyFile.lnk" "$PLUGINSDIR\MyFile.exe"


The Failure is here but how can i resolve it?

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\MyFile.lnk" "$PLUGINSDIR\MyFile.exe"

Thx for every help...

$PLUGINSDIR is removed once the installer is finished.
You're making shortcut to nowhere! :-)

I'm pretty sure "$PLUGINSDIR\MyFile.exe" should be "$INSTDIR\MyFile.exe"


The Shortcut is created like this


But if i open the Folder Inetload so there is another Folder from the Unzipped File called "MyFilev1.2"

The Shortcut should be created as


The Command "$INSTDIR\MyFile.exe" doesnt help me cause if a newer Version is out so there will be created another Folder with "MyFilev1.3"

Is there also a Plugin or a Command to pass htaccess logins?

Well, if the "myfile.exe" holds version info, you may use FindFirst/FindNext to search for newest version inside "C:\Programme\Inetload" and create the shortcut pointing to it. Or better, you may use ${Locate}. See NSIS documentation for all available solutions. In every case your code should look like:
Find the file,
get and compare its version with a defined version,
find the next one and compare with previous and defined,
find the newest, grab its path and create the shortcut.

Woww thx Red Wine... Its easy for a beginner to explain.. But doing is little bit hard.. Well i will start as first with ${Locate}.

Isn't any way to pass htaccess login?

Isn't any way to pass htaccess login?
I have not idea, did you try search the forum?

I dont know how i should search? I mean i dont know what command is used for it.