Archive: Make a Reinstaller

Make a Reinstaller
I would make a reinstaller for my installer:)

In this reinstaller the sections which was installed should be marked.

If the user clicks on next the respective sections will be reinstalled.

If he makes the marking away the respective section should be deinstalled. If he marks something which isn't already marked the section should be installed.

Is this possible?

With marked I mean the hook:

It is possible, you may add the described abilities to your installer, there is not real need to build a "reinstaller" for that.

speedy - set marks in registry or ini-file what was installed.

Please could someone provide a detailed explanatino of how to do this? I need to be able to do this too.

you may use the InstallDirRegKey (or create a INI for this reason) to store info about components e.g. if component "help files" is installed it is 1, if not installed it is 0. Next time when installer is launched disable the directory page and compare users selection with stored values. So if a component is installed (1) show it checked, then see if users made it not checked, uninstall it, and vice versa. Also you should update your uninstaller every time so when users wish to uninstall the application nothing left behind.